Written by Matthew "Sobek" Semper, Tuesday 1st May 2012
Enjoy the little things??? How about see Awesomeness!

Ya know i have sooooo many  friends back in the states that say they are gonna do things and never get to do them. They talk a lot but dont make things happen for themselves. They stay in their little bubbles back in NYC and never see the world and they r fine with it BUT when they see things that are not normal for them its weird and Taboo and twist up their faces.

I believe that before its too late and before you settle in to your boring /dangerous job (that more then likely u will hate but cant switch professions cus you are now to old to do it or just stuck on stupid) you should just travel the world like nomad and see all of the world for its awesomeness!!!!

How many people do you  know back home that have painted artwork on an elephant OR seen a man so deep in a trance he was able to mutilate his body and awake with no pain OR get into the biggest water fight in the world? those are just a few things i have been apart of here in thailand not even talking about the rest of asia or any of the other continents i have traveled to.

U get hype about milk and cookies…HOW ABOUT U SEE THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD

check out this DOPE vid below of wut happens every April here in thailand. U GUYS BACK HOME R MISSING OUT

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