Jamie "Milkman" Mackinnon
Jamie Mackinnon is Originally from Scotland.
A BJJ Blue Belt under Professor Elbe, Jamie is looking to gain experience through competition as he continues to establish a resume that will allow him to fight professionally in MMA Internationally.
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Page 6 of the latest blog posts by Jamie "Milkman" Mackinnon :
Saturday 9th Jul 2011
Visa run from HELL
Having been on many visa run's before it doesn't make them any easier as you know what you are in for. My visa was due to expire on the 7th so I had booked a visa run to Burma for that date. For all who don't know the Burma run is an approx 12hr round trip in a mini bus. The mini bus was...
Monday 4th Jul 2011
Starting all over
Well today was my first day back at training since my disappointing performance on DARE Championships 9 days ago. I had planned on getting straight back into training last week as I never picked up any injuries in the fight, but after getting back to Phuket the fight and all the events before and...
Monday 27th Jun 2011
Time to stop hiding..
It's been a few days since my loss to Will Chope on DARE Championships and it's time for me to stop hiding from it and start to deal with it. I have been going over the fight in my head non stop and have been telling myself it's a bad dream and I will wake up any minute, but after looking at...
Thursday 23rd Jun 2011
Food Glorious Food :)
This has been the first time I have cut weight for a fight. I usually walk around at 73Kg and just fight at the weight I am, which suits me fine as I can eat whatever I want and don't have to worry about making a weight. Now understanding the sport and wanting to compete I know the importance of...
Monday 20th Jun 2011
Time flies when your having fun
It was 5 weeks ago when Hamish came over from Scotland to train at Tiger. Hamish is one of my friends and training partners from DMMA the club I train at when back in Scotland. A few days before he arrived is when I found out I was going to be fighting on DARE Championships. It was perfect timing...
Thursday 16th Jun 2011
The Scot’s Clan :)
Tomorrow morning Mr P Bonner gets back to Phuket, it's going to be good to see him again and kick his ass................ well that's if trains (only joking Paul). Paul is a good friend who I met at Tiger last year and stays not far from me in Scotland. Paul comes to Thailand and trains at...